Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Online Dating

I must digress away from crafting to make a comment about online dating.  Since being single, I have gone on numerous dates via or I've been lucky enough not to have horrible experiences, but I wanted to point out what I have to work with here! It's like wanting to paint a magnificent piece of artwork when all you have is crayons...

Dating website serves a multitude of purposes, but I use them for one find a great man. Beside..."1 in 5 relationships start online". However, it appears that others are using these websites as a platform to demonstrate their comedic talents, their extreme dorky-ness, or their douchbaggery. 

For instance, let's take a look at Subject A.
At first, I thought this was funny...but after seeing his second and last picture...I decided to move on.
Besides, his profile has comments like "I'm really good at feeling and comprehension with women and hoopta hooping" and "the one thing people usually notice about me is the cm birthmark on my butt" (what no picture?).  He also mentioned his favorite thing to do on Friday nights is "pretending".  I wish this man luck in his quest to find someone of equal ridiculousness...
Let's look at Subject B shall we?!

I am appalled. I mean, can you even find jeans in that color anymore?  I don't know if I can get over the fact this man has posted a picture of the best monkey knuckles I've ever seen, or the fabulous way he described fried okra.  Needless to say, I hit "skip".

Now for Subject C. Gurd your loins're in for a treat.

If after reading the first few lines doesn't make you want to hire a Urologist and drive over to this guy’s house to perform a forced vasectomy (the non-reversible kind), keep reading...

I've lost my appetite. Seriously, if by some random act of God  I accidently went on a date with this, that would imply cleanliness...this scum-sucking pig (kudos to you if you got that reference), I would have ended up in jail. 

Ok, done ranting... now back to crafting. 

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