What you’ll need:
3 wooden plaques (from Hobby Lobby). Any size you want. The bigger the plaque the bigger the snowman
White yarn
1 foot of heavy duty yarn
Black gauge wire
Small wood circles- I found in the wood aisle at Hobby Lobby
Hot glue gun

Take the wooden plaques and glue a piece of heavy duty yarn to the back. Make sure to separate them out so he wiggles a bit. After all, he was a dancer.
Once the glue dries, start winding the yarn around each plaque, one at a time. I added more yarn to the bottom plaque and his torso so it looks more like a snow man. (Sorry I forgot to take a picture).
Paint the wooden circles with black paint and glue them to the middle and bottom plaques.
Cut about a foot of wire for the arms. With the rest, wrap the wire to look like a top hat. Leave a little bit of wire on the bottom so that you can attach it to the head. I put some hot glue on the tip of the wire and shoved it between the yarn and the plaque.
With remaining wire, make the arms. I folded the wire in half and twisted it down so there are no sharp edges. Attach the arms using the same technique as the hat.
Take a piece of burlap and drape over the snowman’s shoulders. I put a dollop of glue to keep it in place.
There you have it. Enjoy